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Getting Pregnant Symptoms

Women can experience signs of a baby on the way within even their first few weeks. Every sign experienced is significant because they may be indications of other problems too. Early signs may include headaches, tiredness that may even lead to drowsiness, nausea and aches in the lower back.

These all indicate a ruffling up of the hormones which takes place when an embryo is beginning to develop. Many women lose hope when they experience light bleeding. However, this can be an indication of a developing embryo. In fact, this is often an extremely common first sign, which can be experienced as early as six days following conception.

The bleeding is usually a result of the embryo planting into the uterine wall. However, where there is no embryo, it could be a sign of infection, irritation from intercourse or hormonal upheaval caused by going off the pill. It might even be an early menstruation.

Missed periods are the signs that have many women bouncing with excitement.
It is an extremely common sign and the most recognized of symptoms. Little known to some is that some women experience bleeding while they’re pregnant. Their bleeding will most likely be lighter and cycles may be shorter and for more information about getting pregnant tips, Click Here.

Missed periods could also be the result of sudden weight changes, whether it’s a loss or gain. Exhaustion and tension, commonly felt by women highly stressed about falling pregnant, can also cause missed menses. Illness and breastfeeding are other causes.

Within the first two weeks of conception, women often have sore or sensitive breasts. These can also be caused by an upcoming period, contraceptive pills, and hormonal imbalance. Breasts may also become slightly swollen.

Tiredness after conception can be felt within the first week.
It can be quite a dramatic exhaustion and some women might find themselves becoming far more forgetful than they usually are. Of course, tiredness could also be caused by many illnesses such as flu or the common cold. People under a lot of stress often feel it too.

Morning sickness is the bane of some, while others never experience it at all. It usually shows up within two to eight weeks and could be experienced as nausea alone or heavy vomiting. Morning sickness is a misnomer as it can be experienced at any time of day. Certain foods might even trigger it, and it can help to make alterations to diet to try and ease it.

Crackers and other dry foods are often helpful, while pungent, spicy foods sometimes make it worse. Food poisoning, stress, hormonal changes due to birth control pills and other illnesses can all cause it in cases where conception hasn’t taken place. Some women are unfortunate enough to experience morning sickness throughout their entire nine months.

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July 24, 2013 at 7:09 PM

Early pregnancy symptoms can sometimes happen before a missed period and before apositive pregnancy test clipping path

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