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Showing posts with label HELTH. Show all posts

9 things you never knew about your Period

9 things you never knew about your period

  1. The average girl gets her period around the age of 12: If you thought you started young, keep in mind that 12 is theaverage age of women when they have their first cycle. This means that girls as young as 9 sometimes start to menstruate. According toActive Beat, this is the result of changing diets, environmental stress, and genetic earlier rates of puberty.
  2. The average cycle isn’t 28 days: Your doctor may tell you that every 28 days you can anticipate your period, but the truth is that every woman is different. Twenty-eight days is the average for most women, but depending on age and stress level, period cycles can vary significantly.
  3. Heavy flows are mostly water: One average a woman only loses a few tablespoons of blood during her period. What’s the rest of that liquid? It’s mostly water, according to experts. This is why some women experience bloating prior to their cycles; the water is then removed from the body during menstruation.
  4. You have more than enough eggs: Women who worry about fertility should know they are born with more than enough eggs–around 2 million. When they hit puberty that number is generally decreased to around 40,000, but  the average woman only loses about 500 eggs due to her period in a lifetime.
  5. Men find ovulation attractive: They might not know it, but men subconsciously are more attracted to a woman who is ovulating. This all has to do with the chemical pheromones released during ovulation, and goes back to the days when instincts paired us based on fertility.
  6. The mystery of period syncing: Ever worked with a group of women and everyone gets their period at the same time? This phenomenon, called period syncing, seems to be widely accepted by women everywhere, but there is little to no research supporting its existence, according to theHuffington Post.
  7. Periods are still taboo: It may not be so strange to talk about a period in the United States, but in some areas of the world and in some religions, women having their period are seen as “unclean.” Sometimes they are sent into isolation during their cycle, and sometimes these women are not allowed to perform regular household chores like cooking or cleaning.
  8. Some women feel themselves ovulate: It’s not a myth! Some women really can feel the moment they ovulate. This is a result of the sudden rupture of the egg follicle which causes fluid to be released into the abdomen.
  9. Sex probably won’t help menstrual cramps: Chances are at some point you were told sex can help relieve menstrual cramps, and there is some truth to that statement. An orgasm can provide some pain relief and pleasure, but just as many women find sex makes cramps worse. Sometimes sex can bump the cervix, increasing uterine spasms

Dos and don’ts of sex During Pregnancy

Sexual intimacy is often one of the most cherished aspects of a relationship, and it is also one of the areas people become concerned about when a pregnancy enters the picture. Not only do women suddenly wonder about their level of attractiveness and if they can meet their partner’s needs, but men often also feel fearful of decreased intimacy and fear they might harm their partner or the baby.
But pregnancy is not a time to be timid and shy around one another. Healthy men and women can still have a fulfilling sexual life — as long as each is aware of some important dos and don’ts.

Do’s and don’ts for women

Do be aware that hormonal changes can make your libido fluctuate, and such fluctuations are normal. Women often experience enhanced desire during the second trimester when blood flow to sexual organs increases.
Don’t let your partner feel that if you are not in the mood, it is because you feel he is inadequate. Prior to entering pregnancy, seek counseling from a professional who can discuss the changes in sexual desire with both parties. Having an outside voice of authority often helps men overcome self-esteem issues, which accompany a woman’s lack of desire.
Do understand that normal sex will not cause a miscarriage during the first trimester. During this time frame, miscarriages are associated with complications, not sexual activity.
Don’t worry about your baby’s safety. The baby is well protected in the uterus and can’t be bruised or harmed by sexual intercourse.
Do keep comfortable. If a sexual position does not feel right, stop it immediately. Some women prefer to lie on their sides later in the pregnancy rather than on their backs or stomachs.
Don’t have anal sex. During pregnancy, anal sex could cause harmful bacteria to pass and invade the vagina.
Don’t allow your partner to blow air into your vagina during oral sex. If this is a concern, refrain from oral sex completely. A suddenly puff of air can cause an air embolism, a life-threatening condition for you and your baby.
Don’t have sex without consulting with your doctor first if you have vaginal bleeding, are at risk for premature birth, have cervical incompetence, are leaking amniotic fluid, or have placenta previa.

Dos and don’ts for men

DADMAG.com reassures fathers that sex during pregnancy is often enjoyable for both parties and, as mentioned before, won’t harm the baby.
Being a responsible sexual partner also means knowing what you can and can’t do during a pregnancy, especially if your partner is willing to let a rule fall to the wayside due to out-of-control hormones.
Do know your stuff. Make sure you attend as many pregnancy doctor visits as possible. Your health care provider will often make recommendations, and it’s important to have both parties present to ensure advice is being followed.
Don’t worry about sexual positions. As long as your partner is comfortable, sex in most acrobatic positions is okay. Anal sex should be avoided, however, as should oral sex if there is concern about air bursts entering the vaginal canal.
Do remember your partner is going to experience hormonal changes, and a change in desire is not a reflection on your masculinity. Be patient and considerate.
Don’t try to pressure sex if your partner isn’t up to it. It may not harm the baby, but it will harm your relationship. Hormonal fluctuations can’t be controlled, and if your partner isn’t in the mood, she reallyisn’t in the mood.
Do realize you may also experience a lack of libido. Your partner will be putting on weight and spending a lot of time caring for herself and the baby inside of her. It is normal for men to take a step back during this process.
Don’t panic about providing for your family. One of the most common fears men have during a woman’s pregnancy is how they are going to afford the new bundle of joy. Too much worry of this kind will also keep you from desiring sex, even when she’s all set to go.

6 Natural Beauty Tips For Face you Must Try

Skin care may take back seat in everyday hustle-bustle. This provides an opportunity to chemical-laden cosmetics, stress and improper eating habits to attack and snatch off skin’s natural radiance and glow. Since lifestyle and skin care contributes greatly not only to your looks but also on how you feel about yourself, you must take care of it.

There are endless beauty magazines that lure you into cosmetics, but then you are never sure of cosmetics. Left in a state of confusion, natural remedies and practices seem like a last resort. Natural remedies are very effective and can give you glowing and beautiful face. Here’s a natural beauty guide (natural beauty tips for face) for you to bring that glow back on your face.

Beauty Tips For Fresh & Glowing Face 1: Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise Daily

The rule of thumb for flawless glowing facial skin still remains a regular cleansing, toning and moisturising routine. When it comes to cleansing, rose water is the best cleasing agent. Take cotton wool, dab it with rose water and apply it on the face to feel fresh and clean immediately. Cleansing your face twice a day will prevent breakout of pimples. Always make it a point to follow your cleansing routine by toning. Tulsi water is a great nourishing toner and you can use it with a piece of cotton wool. Now, make a mixture of onion juice, multani mitti and honey. Use this as a natural moisturiser to bring back freshness and glow on your face. Use this for achiving a glowing face.

Natural Beauty Tips 2: Use Lime Juice as a Scrub

Mix lime juice with sweet almond oil and sea salt. Use your fingers or a cotton wool and apply it on your face in a circular motion. This natural scrub will remove dead cells from your face giving a radiant glow. Lime peel also aids in fading scars and pimple marks from face.

Beauty Tips For Face 3: Use Besan (gram flour) to Get Rid of Tan

To treat sunburns, you may apply a mixture of one spoon of besan (Gram Flour) and two tablespoon of curd on your face. Let it dry for half an hour and rinse off with cold water. This face mask is a great aid in making your skin clear, soft and glowing naturally. For sensitive skin, mix curd with this mixture and cleanse the sun tanned skin with the paste.

Beauty Tips For Soft Skin 4: Cucumber - A Wonderful Beauty Aid 

If you want a happy skin, then cucumber is the answer. You may improve your complexion by applying a paste of cucumber mixed with raw milk. It will take 15 minutes for cucumber juice to seep into your skin then wash off with fresh water. It also helps in soothing and softening your skin.

Beauty Tips For Brighter Complexion 5: Tomato- An antioxidant Power Blast

Tomatoes are great anti-oxidants. For wrinkle-free skin, mash two large tomatoes and apply it evenly on your face. Rinse off after 20 minutes with cold water. To make a paste, use one day old curd and mix with a tomato pulp. Apply this face pack daily in the morning to reveal a brighter and sparkling fresh complexion for beautiful face.

Beauty Tips 6: Treat Oily Skin with Tomatoes

Tomatoes are great for the skin as they have cooling and astringent properties. Its naturally acidic, so it helps balance the skin and get rid of excessive oil. Evenly apply tomato pulp on your face. Let it dry for 15 minutes and wash your face with warm water for naturally glowing face.

Want Healthy Hair? Eat This

I admit it, I have total hair envy of the Victoria's Secret Angels because they have such full, shiny locks--and their strands seem to only gleam brighter and bounce more while strutting their stuff. (Looking incredible in just lingerie, too.) And while I've spent my fair share of cash on hair products trying to get that star-like hair (Yes, I own travel-sized dry shampoo!), as a dietician, I believe that healthy, shiny hair starts from the inside out. The supermarket may just become your new beauty shop, because these five foods have the nutrients your mane needs.

Apples are great all year round, known for its properties that boost cardiovascular health and prevent dementia. Winter is the season for apples, and eating seasonal fruits is both healthy and ... more

STEAK: Go ahead and enjoy that juicy steak--it's an an excellent source of both zinc and vitamin B5, both essential nutrients for healthy hair. Studies have shown that vitamin B5 may help to prevent hair from going gray, and if you don't have enough zinc in your diet, you may be more prone to hair loss.

LOW-FAT GREEK YOGURT: Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt and is a good source of calcium, as both help to promote hair growth, keeping hair looking full and fabulous.

SALMON: Yet another benefit of the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon, they help to keep hair follicles moist and supple, keeping hair shiny and preventing breakage.

SWEET POTATOES: Sweet potatoes are packed with beta carotene and vitamin C, which both help the body to produce sebum, a substance that keeps the scalp from becoming dry. The sebum makes locks shiny and helps to prevent dandruff.

SWISS CHARD: This leafy green veggie is a great source of biotin, a nutrient important for cell growth that potentially may help hair grow stronger.

What is the Brain?

The brain is a soft, spongy mass of tissue. It is protected by:

The bones of the skull
Three thin layers of tissue (meninges).
Watery fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) that flows through spaces between the meninges and through spaces (ventricles) within the brain.
The brain directs the things we choose to do (like walking and talking) and the things our body does without thinking (like breathing). The brain is also in charge of our senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell), memory, emotions, and personality.

A network of nerves carries messages back and forth between the brain and the rest of the body. Some nerves go directly from the brain to the eyes, ears, and other parts of the head. Other nerves run through the spinal cord to connect the brain with the other parts of the body.

Within the brain and spinal cord, glial cells surround nerve cells and hold them in place.

The three major parts of the brain control different activities:

Cerebrum - The cerebrum uses information from our senses to tell us what is going on around us and tells our body how to respond. It controls reading, thinking, learning, speech, and emotions.
The cerebrum is divided into the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The right hemisphere controls the muscles on the left side of the body. The left hemisphere controls the muscles on the right side of the body.

Cerebellum - The cerebellum controls balance for walking and standing, and other complex actions.
Brain Stem - The brain stem connects the brain with the spinal cord. It controls breathing, body temperature, blood pressure, and other basic body functions.
(SOURCE http://www.medicinenet.com

Concentration and memorizing

Concentration means being able to free the mind from all objects of distraction — including one’s own thoughts and emotions — and to direct it toward a single object — whether reposing it in a single state of awareness, or directing it toward a single goal. To many people, such mental control implies effort. And so it does, of course, in a sense. In another sense, however, they are mistaken. For as long as one tries to concentrate he will not be able to concentrate really effectively. Deep concentration is possible only in a state of relaxation. Where tension exists, whether physically or mentally, there is a separate commitment of energy, like the stray strand of thread that refuses to enter the eye of the needle. If, for example, the brow is furrowed in worry, or if the jaw or the hands are clenched, these are signs that this much energy, at least, is not being directed toward one’s true objective. That is why the best way to develop high-powered concentration is to practice meditation regularly. Many people mistakenly believe that meditation amounts to a kind of escape from reality — an avoidance of one’s worldly responsibilities. Actually, meditation is easily the most effective way of enabling one not only to face life’s challenges, but to overcome them. The deep power of concentration that comes through daily meditation enables a person to resolve an issue in minutes perhaps, where, otherwise, he might have fretted over it for weeks. Even more important, where the will is concerned, the concentration that comes due to regular meditation generates with perfect naturalness the strength of will that is necessary for success in any undertaking. The physical seat of the will is located at the point between the eyebrows. That is why, when a person wills something strongly, he often knits his eyebrows. In meditation one is taught to concentrate at that point, since this is also the seat of concentration in the body. The more frequently and deeply one focuses the mind at that point, the more powerful his will becomes. Another important point in developing concentration, and therefore will power, is inner clarity: crystal clarity of reason and feeling. Meditation is a great aid in the development of such clarity. Muddy thoughts and feelings produce chaos, both inwardly and outwardly. Inner confusion is the antithesis of concentration. Inner clarity, on the other hand, is almost the definition of concentration. When the mind is clear, one naturally addresses issues one at a time. It is equally true to say that, by limiting oneself to doing or thinking about one thing at a time, one finds that the mind, in turn, gradually develops clarity. Concentration, I said, involves, on the negative side, the practice of shutting out of the mind all distracting thoughts and impressions. It isn’t easy not to think about a thing. Try telling yourself, for example, completely to avoid thinking about icebergs. How often, in the normal course of a day, does the thought of icebergs even occur to you? Never, probably, unless you live in arctic regions. Yet, if your mind is not practiced at concentration, the mere resolution not to think of icebergs may be sufficient to cause you to think of nothing else! To develop concentration, then, it is more important to focus positively on one thing at a time than to avoid thinking of other things.

Try to become absorbed in one thought at a time. No one can do many things at once and do them effectively. Leave then, for the moment, every other issue except the one on which you’ve decided to focus your attention. Don’t strain: Be relaxed. Be interested in what you are doing. Become absorbed in it. When people go to the movies, they may find themselves becoming effortlessly absorbed in the story, simply because it has awakened their interest. Focus your mind like that on everything that you do.

When TV newscaster Diane Sawyer was asked the secret to her success, she said, “I think the one lesson I’ve learned is there is no substitute for paying attention.”

Are you thinking, “I agree, but HOW do we improve our ability to focus and maintain attention — no matter what?”

These five FOCUS tips can help you concentrate better — whether you’re working in a busy office, studying at school, sitting in a meeting, or trying to finish a project.

F = Five More Rule

There are two kinds of people — those who have learned how to work through frustration, and those who wish they had. From now on, if you’re in the middle of a task and tempted to give up — just do FIVE MORE.

Read FIVE MORE pages. Finish FIVE MORE math problems. Work FIVE MORE minutes.

Just as athletes build physical stamina by pushing past the point of exhaustion, you can build mental stamina by pushing past the point of frustration.

Just as runners get their second wind by not giving up when their body initially protests, you can get your “second mind” by not giving up when your willpower initially protests. Continuing to concentrate when your brain is tired is the key to S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G your attention span and building mental endurance.

O = One Think At a Time
Samuel Goldwyn said, “If I look confused, it’s because I’m thinking.” Feeling scatter-brained? Overcome perpetual preoccupation with the Godfather Plan — make your mind a deal it can’t refuse. Yes, the mind takes bribes. Instead of telling it NOT to worry about another, lesser priority (which will cause your mind to think about the very thing it’s not supposed to think about!), assign it a single task with start-stop time parameters.

Still can’t get other concerns out of your head? Write them down on your to-do list so you’re free to forget them. Recording worrisome obligations means you don’t have to use your brain as a “reminder” bulletin board, which means you can give your undivided attention to your top priority task.

C = Conquer Procrastination
Don’t feel like concentrating? Are you putting off a task or project you’re supposed to be working on? That’s a form of procrastination. R. D. Clyde said, “It’s amazing how long it takes to complete something we’re not working on.”

Next time you’re about to postpone a responsibility ask yourself, “Do I have to do this? Do I want it done so it’s not on my mind? Will it be any easier later?” Those three questions can give you the incentive to mentally apply yourself because they bring you face to face with the fact this task isn’t going away, and delaying will only add to your guilt and make this onerous task occupy more of your mind and time.

U = Use Your Hands as Blinkers
Picture your mind as a camera and your eyes as its aperture. Most of the time, our eyes are “taking it all in” and our brain is in “wide-angle focus.” We can actually think about many things at once and operate quite efficiently this way (e.g., imagine driving down a crowded highway while talking to a friend, fiddling with the radio, keeping an eye on the cars beside you, and watching for your exit sign.)

What if you want to switch to telephoto focus? What if you have to prepare for a test and

you need 100% concentration? Cup your hands around your eyes so you have “tunnel vision” and are looking solely at your text book. Placing your hands on the side of your face blocks out surroundings so they are literally “out of sight, out of mind.” Think about the importance of those words.

Want even better news? Does the name Pavlov r-r-r-ring a bell? If you cup your hands around your eyes every time you want to switch from wide-angle to telephoto focus, that physical ritual becomes a Pavlovian trigger.

Remember? Pavlov rang the bell, fed the dog, rang the bell and fed the dog, until the dog started salivating as soon as he heard the sound of the bell. Similarly, using your hands as blinkers every time you want to narrow your focus teaches your brain to switch to “one track” mind and concentrate on your command.

S = See As If For the First or Last Time
Want to know how to be “here and now” and fully present instead of mindlessly rushing here, there, and everywhere? Frederick Franck said, “When the eye wakes up to see again, it suddenly stops taking anything for granted.” Evelyn Underhill said, “For lack of attention, a thousand forms of loveliness elude us every day.”

I constantly relearn this lesson. One time I was giving my sons their nightly back rub. Although I was sitting right next to them, I might as well have been in the next country because I was thinking of the early morning flight I needed to take the next day and wondering if I had packed my hand-outs, if my ticket was in my purse, etc.

Suddenly, my unfocused eyes fell upon my sons and I truly SAW Tom and Andrew as if I was looking at them for the first time. I was immediately flooded with a sense of gratitude for these two healthy, thriving boys. I felt so blessed to have been gifted with such wonderful sons. In an instant, I went from being absent-minded to being filled with a sense of awe and appreciation for their presence in my life.

Next time your mind is a million miles away, simply look around you and really SEE your surroundings. Study that exquisite flower in the vase. Get up close to the picture on the wall and marvel at the artist’s craftmanship.

Lean in and really look at a loved one you tend to take for granted. This will “Velveteen Rabbit” your world and make it come alive in your mind’s eye.

What people have said about concentration

* “I used to think the human brain was the most fascinating part of the body, and then I realized, ‘What is telling me that?’” – Emo Phillips
* “I’m getting so absent-minded and forgetful. Sometimes in the middle of a sentence, I . . . ” – Milton Berle
* “Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen, even so does inaction sap the vigors of the mind.” Leonardo da Vinci
* “Tell me to what you pay attention, and I will tell you who you are.” – Jose Ortega y Gasset
* I would go without shirt or shoe sooner than lose for a minute the two separate sides of my head.” – Rudyard Kipling
* “It’s not that I don’t want to listen to people. I very much want to listen to people. I jut can’t hear them over my talking.” – Paula Poundstone

How Many Organs Are in the Human Body?

There are 78 organs in the human body.It is difficult to give the right answer. There are 13 major organ systems in human body. The organs work together systematically to keep you alive and active and each plays a specific role related to your health and development. By definition, an organ is a structure that comprises at least two kinds of tissue that function together for a common purpose. Some of the most important organs in the human body are the skin, liver, heart and lungs.
Regional groups

    Head and neck – includes everything above the thoracic inlet.
    Upper limb – includes the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, arm, and shoulder.
    Thorax – the region of the chest from the thoracic inlet to the thoracic diaphragm.
    Human abdomen to the pelvic brim or to the pelvic inlet.
    The back – the spine and its components, the vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, and intervertebral disks.
    Pelvis and Perineum – the pelvis consists of everything from the pelvic inlet to the pelvic diaphragm. The perineum is the region between the sex organs and the anus.
    Lower limb – everything below the inguinal ligament, including the hip, the thigh, the knee, the leg, the ankle, and the foot.

Internal organs (by region)

Head and neck

        Basal ganglia
        Brain stem
        Cerebral cortex
        Limbic system

    Thyroid and Parathyroids



Abdomen and pelvis (both sexes)

    Large intestine
    Small intestine

Male pelvis


Female pelvis


Human organs

Marriage and Couple Counseling Talk Therapy

Many times those who are close desire change in something about others so their lives can be made a little bit easier.

While even close friends may see the need for someone to change, the person in need of the change may not agree and may even resist any expectations that they should change.

In most relationship therapy not everyone involved sees the need for change, many would think that therapy may not be effective unless both parties can agree change is needed. However, in my experience rarely do couples come into therapy with the clear understanding of where changes, growth and development needs to occur. The use of Emotional Focused Therapy enables change to occur as a part of the ongoing sessions. The changes will likely be gradual but recognizable for all of the parties involved.

Through their experiences in the sessions couples will begin to learn and understand how to make the needed individual changes, and they will also discover how these changes will benefit their relationship and personal development. This will allow them to see for themselves how the personal development they experience will improve their problems with communications and maintaining intimate relationships. As these experiences that take hold couples will experience more opportunity for connection to happen which can mean even better experiences in the future of the relationship.

Talk therapy will help people grow as individuals which will ultimately lead to stronger, healthier and more intimate relationships.

Dos and Don'ts for Monsoon in Ayurveda

Monsoon is the time for occurrence of vata dosha, according to Ayurveda. It is the season when you feel like gorging on oily foods, but your digestive system is most vulnerable to various ailments. By following certain dos and don’ts, you can make sure that your body is guarded from increased microbial activity of the season, as well as the adverse effects of a slowed down digestion.

Dos for Monsoon in Ayurveda

Have simple and easily digestible food in monsoon. They should be dry in nature like chickpea, corn, gram flour and oats. Having moong dal is advisable.
To ensure removal of germs, drink only boiled water. Water should be consumed within 24 hours of boiling.
Wash green vegetables thoroughly before eating, especially if you want to have them raw.
One of the foremost rules for monsoon in Ayurveda is to eat according to the ability of your digestion.
Know the capability of your jatharagni, i.e. digestive fire, when having food. Use spices such as pepper, ginger, asafoetida (hing), garlic, jeera powder, coriander and turmeric for enhancing your digestive capability. These help to improve your immunity too.
The vegetables recommended in the season include yam (suran), snake gourd (turi), pointed gourd (parwal), gourd (dudhi), bitter gourd (karela), cluster beans (gavaar), and apple gourd (tinda).
Stick to seasonal fruits during monsoons as the unseasonal ones can easily get infected with microbes. These include mangoes, pomegranates, apples, bananas, lychees and cherries.
In case you catch a cold, freshly prepared radish juice, along with a pinch of pipli and rock salt in warm water would help to lessen the trouble of mucous formation.
Fasting is especially recommended in the monsoon season, particularly for people fond of socialising and erratic eating. You can gain a lot of health benefits simply by observing a weekly or fortnightly fast during monsoon. It helps to improve your digestive fire.

Don’ts for Monsoon in Ayurveda

Avoid fermented foods which include idli, dosa, uttapam, and the like.
Avoid sprouts, raw vegetables, refrigerated and sour foods. Foods that are sour include tamarind, various pickles and chutneys.
Heavy grains such as bajra and ragi should be avoided. Limit the intake of foods with high water content such as rice, muskmelon, watermelon and lassi. These can lead to swelling.
Foods that strain your digestive system such as buttermilk, yoghurt, curd should be avoided.
Avoid non-vegetarian foods in monsoon. The possibility of germ content is highest in non-vegetarian foods.
Do not sleep during the day.
Do not tire yourself with work.
Avoid eating late at night. It is particularly important in this season.
Perform only moderate exercises in monsoon such as light walks and simple yogasanas.

By following these dos and don’ts, you would be able to revel in monsoon without fearing its adverse impact.

Read more articles on Ayurveda

Lower back pain relief for women Photo

Lower back painis very common in women and there are several reasons for it apart from kidney problems and strain on the tissues and ligaments of the back. An imbalance in nutrition plays an important role in causing this pain as does the change in lifestyle and stress at work and at home. This lower back pain has become such a common occurrence that most women simply take painkiller and pretend like as though it’s not even there. This simply causes the pain to worsen and increase and in some cases become chronic which may lead to serious conditions. In these cases all you want is lower back pain relief.

The human spine is the main nerve structure which connects the brain to the rest of the body. Hence it is also considered the most important part of the body. This structure is quite flexible. However, the muscles of the back are just the opposite. They are quite weak and may be further weakened by bad nutrition and other factors. Due to these weak muscles, the spine will then be unable to remain in place which causes this lower back pain.

There are both primary and secondary causes of lower back pain in women. Primary pain is generally caused due to spine injuries or other issues such as microscopic tears in the tendons and ligaments or muscles. Secondary back pain, on the other hand may be caused due to different injuries such as problems related to internal organs, tumors and even osteoporosis, which is the deterioration of the human bones. Tumors that cause lower back pain are usually malignant or benign which means they are not cancerous. One is advised to do a CT scan to accurately determine the cause of this pain.

Other causes of this pain in women could be improper posture while sitting, standing or sleeping. The amount of time spent in sitting in front of a computer or driving could also determine the cause of your pain. Long hours of physical labor or bad workouts are other causes of this pain. Obesity too, often leads to lower back pain, due to one’s extra body weight. Other causes of back pain in women may be pregnancy and menopause. Menopause often leads to the development of osteoporosis which is another cause of severe lower back pain.

Women by nature are quite dainty and gentle. Hence, if the back muscles are not strengthened from the beginning, the risk of being a victim of lower back pain is present even if the other various symptoms are not.